This is the latest in Lacey N. Dunham’s Bookseller I’d Like to F***. To go to the column page, please click here. As a nine-year-old book nerd in the Midwest, I spent much of my time reading and writing letters to fake pen pals. I achieved normalcy only on Saturdays when I crouched in my […]
“I Know My Love Can Save The World” by Jeanne Holtzman
The policeman pegged me for a drunk or on drugs, but I felt the fear and rage and anguish imprisoned in his uniform and knew I could rock him until he released his clenched pain and spread his cop lips in a smile as wide as the Brooklyn Bridge, as grateful as the spring thaw. […]
Three Poems by Liz Masi
The Piano Bench Has been broken for years now, Its hind right leg splintering, held Together by threads of wood pulp So every time I sit, it rips, bit By bit, cracking under my weight, As if it cannot handle the heaviness of neglect (Each yellowing key and dusty music sheet) And still I’m the […]
Talking with Furniture: Ryan Scott Oliver
Ryan Scott Oliver is a 2009 Jonathan Larson Grant recipient and wrote the music and lyrics for Mrs. Sharp, the song cycle Out of My Head, Quit India, and the music for Angus Oblong’s The Debbies. A collection of his work, Rated RSO, has been seen across the country. He is a 2007 Dramatists Guild Fellow and the recipient of numerous […]
“Lacey Martinez is on Facebook” by Lacey Martinez
I google myself. Vain, I know, but I’m not ashamed to admit it. I’m proud of my amateur HTML skills because my personal website’s homepage is sometimes the first result. My main competition is “Lacey Martinez | Facebook.” I’m not on Facebook, but there is a Lacey Martinez on Facebook. Like me, she has light […]
Review: The Truth Lenders
The Reviewed: The Truth Lenders: A Multimedia Novel by Thuy-Dzuong Nguyen The Reviewer: Sara Habein *** 2510: After the wars, science progressed to the point where other species live and work among the reduced human population. A pharmaceutical news conglomerate called News Now! Corporation controls much of this post-progress society, in which anti-establishment, anti-corporate critics […]
“Couple’s Counseling” by Meg Tuite’s Exquisite Quartet
This is the latest in Meg Tuite’s Exquisite Quartet. To go to the column page, please click here. Vlasco and Darlene withered as lovers will do over time, but slowly like a cloud passes over the sun. Each partner found a separate, unspoken pastime to keep them somewhat lively and unencumbered as a couple. Vlasco […]
UFR Presents: Full of Lust and Longing: Readers Share Their Playlists
In December, we asked our readers what they were listening to. We thought it would be a good way to involve a lot of people. We thought it would be interesting. We thought it would be thought provoking and strange. We thought it would be fun. It was. *** Just today I mentioned a song […]
Talking with Furniture: Tom Grimes
Tom Grimes is the author of five novels, a play, and a memoir. He edited The Workshop: Seven Decades from the Iowa Writers Workshop, the creative writing program from which he graduated. He now directs the MFA Program in Creative Writing at Texas State University. More at *** UF Review: Your newest release, Mentor: […]
Three Poems by Tiff Holland
BB King in a Field Unmarked by Desecration We must dig up the bones to prevent desecration, Uncle Joe whispers in vapors, shovel in hand. He is the ranking officer, this barracks of bricks. B.B. King spinning on the turntable downstairs. Uncle Joe whispers in vapors, shovel in hand: Cousin Ace in the Hollar with […]