Have an idea for a column you’d like to share with us? Please send an email with the title of your column, a brief description, a sample (written, audio, visual, etc.), and a tentative syllabus to usedfurnituresubs@gmail.com.
Please click on the column title to see the latest posting, or check out the archives of your favorite UFR columnist.
Alabama Card Table: Arts and Literature from the Deep South
Greg Houser dropped out of real life in Philadelphia to come to MFA school in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. He updates his blog sometimes at greghousersucks.com.
More of Greg Houser’s Alabama Card Table at Used Furniture.
Air Guitar
Josh Denslow lives in Austin, Texas where he plays the drums in the band Borrisokane with his wife and his brother-in-law. He is a staff editor at SmokeLong Quarterly and a blog editor at The Lit Pub. His stories have appeared or are forthcoming in Third Coast, Black Clock, Pear Noir!, Cutbank, Wigleaf and The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts, among others.
More of Josh Denslow’s Air Guitar at Used Furniture.
Bookseller I’d Like to F***
Lacey N. Dunham has written for Ploughshares, The Collagist, The Washington Spark, and The Feminist Review, among others and is the editor of THIS Literary Magazine. She studied writing at Hollins University and lives in Minneapolis, MN, where she works as a publicity assistant for Atticus Books. You can find her on Twitter @bookbent.
More of Lacey N. Dunham’s Bookseller I’d Like to F*** at Used Furniture.
The Canny Valley: Between Fact & Fiction
Colin Dickey is the author of Afterlives of the Saints: Stories from the Ends of Faith, and Cranioklepty: Grave Robbing and the Search for Genius. He is a fairly regular contributor to Lapham’s Quarterly and The LA Review of Books, and his writing has also appeared in Cabinet, TriQuarterly, The Millions, and elsewhere. He is an amateur hagiographer and a professional phrenologist.
More of Colin Dickey’s The Canny Valley at Used Furniture.
Famous Battle Cries of Medieval Germany (And Other Stuff I’m Not Qualified to Talk About)
Katie Eisenberg isn’t
qualified to talk about anything, really. She spends most of her time
pretending to be a performer, writer, and artist in New York City. There
are some people who sometimes mistake her for someone who is, in fact,
qualified, and, as a result, she is given jobs and gigs and praise,
which she may or may not deserve. Learn just how unqualified she is
at www.katie-eisenberg.com.
More of Katie Eisenberg’s Famous Battle Cries at Used Furniture.
Our House: At the Corner of Life and Dance Music
Camille Griep
is a writer based in Seattle, Washington. She likes power outages,
chrysanthemums, Chinese food, bears, dancing, and Pinot Gris. She
dislikes wind, grocery shopping, loud noises, food fights, laminate
flooring, sneezing, and smelly laundry detergent. When not hard at work
on her first novel, she writes shorter fiction like “The Spider,”
forthcoming in the July 2012 issue of On The Premises. She can also be found on twitter: @camillethegriep.
More of Camille Griep’s Our House at Used Furniture.
Read it Loud: Notes from Storytime
Sara Lippmann is a freelance writer and editor. Her fiction has appeared in Our Stories, BLIP, Bluestem, Potomac Review, Word Riot, Slice Magazine, Storyglossia and elsewhere. She lives with her family in Brooklyn.
More of Sara Lippmann’s Read it Loud at Used Furniture.
Time-Consuming, Complicated Cooking!
Corey Sabourin began cooking at a young age, later worked as a pastry chef, then decided to become a writer. He line-edits his fiction between kitchen tasks in New York.
More of Corey Sabourin’s Time Consuming, Complicated Cooking! at Used Furniture.
Travel By
Margaret LaFleur lives and works in Minneapolis. Writing this column is, in part, a way to soothe her un(der)treated wanderlust. She also updates her web presence monthly at margaretlafleur.com.
More of Margaret LaFleur’s Travel By at Used Furniture.
Reading the Groove
Robert Stapleton is executive editor of Booth and teaches at Butler University. His writing has appeared in Word Riot, OCWeekly, Bathhouse, Journal of the Gulf War, Orange Room Reviewand elsewhere. He lives in Indianapolis.
More of Robert Stapleton’s Reading the Groove at Used Furniture.
Exquisite Duet
Meg Tuite’s writing has appeared or is forthcoming in 34th Parallel, Calliope, San Francisco Bay Press, One, the Journal, Fast Forward Press, Sententia Magazine, Boston Literary Magazine and elsewhere. She is the fiction editor of The Santa Fe Literary Review. Her fiction collection Domestic Apparition is forthcoming in early 2011 through San Francisco Bay Press.
More of Meg Tuite’s Exquisite Duet at Used Furniture.
Lines & Notes
Aaron Wolfe
lives in Brooklyn and is a film & TV editor, musician, writer,
storyteller, and general trivia whiz. He is a third generation Holocaust
survivor, a fourth generation socialist sympathizer, a five-time
college drop out, and a little embarrassed about it all. He makes
jokes and observations on Twitter (@aaronwolfe), writes and records more about his life at autonomika.tumblr.com,
tells stories at The Moth in NYC, is working on his third screenplay in
his apartment, and you can tell him what you think about it all at