I had been living in the garden for a week before I met the master gardener’s wife, another three before she loved me, and two more before, lying face-up under the foxglove, she said, ‘Noam, don’t you wish you could be closer to the sky?’ I didn’t. I never have. Here I have ground […]
“Hand-in-hand with the Master Gardener or the Master Gardener’s Wife” by Katy Gunn
Camille Griep’s Our House: Gypsy Woman
This is the latest in Camille Griep’s Our House. To go to the column page, please click here. “You try hard not to care about the homeless ‘Cause you got your own mess. You barely make enough for you. Well is she all lies? Should you apologize?” — Crystal Waters, Gypsy Woman # On a […]
“No Oxygen Here” by Stephanie Austin
My husband and I talk around things. We’re at Marketside shopping for my father-in-law, a schizophrenic who’s been on and off drugs and alcohol most of his life. Currently, he is lucid and recovering from a broken hip in an after care center in west Phoenix. He asked us to bring him Rold Gold pretzels, […]
The Raw Naked Urge Of Just Being Alive: A Conversation With Salvatore Pane
Salvatore Pane was born and raised in Scranton, Pennsylvania. His novel, Last Call in the City of Bridges, will be published by Braddock Avenue Books this fall. He is an Assistant Professor of English Creative Writing at the University of Indianapolis. His fiction has been nominated or shortlisted for the Pushcart Prize, Best of the Web, and Wigleaf’s Top 50 [Very] Short […]
“Living Off the Man” by Meg Tuite’s Exquisite Quartet
This is the latest in Meg Tuite’s Exquisite Quartet. To go to the column page, please click here. So the end of October came and went and Violet had not mailed a check. No one else in the building had, either, like they had all agreed. Oglethorpe would have to leave his perch down in […]
Never Once Considering How In The World She Was To Get Out Again: A Mix For Going Down The Rabbit Hole by Marissa Landrigan
Marissa Landrigan‘s work has appeared or is forthcoming in The Rumpus, Guernica, Orion, Fringe, Diagram, Precipitate, and elsewhere, and she is a regular nonfiction contributor at The Nervous Breakdown. She received her MFA in Creative Writing and Environment from Iowa State University, where she completed a food memoir tentatively titled The Vegetarian’s Guide to Eating Meat. […]
“Fever” by Joseph Han
Martin tells me that he understands death because it just means you get really tired, and that’s why they call it an eternal slumber. Sometimes I care about people when they say weird things. I listen because I also have strange thoughts, so there’s a spot for the strangeys and the weirdos somewhere in my […]
Three poems by Brennan Bestwick
Every Reason I Take Flight 1. This lower lip is all the lift of Kitty Hawk, there are birds building from my toothache. 2. My mother was a moonbeam. My father’s first language is pollen, he is fluent in spring wind. 3. I sing in the key of Franklin kite string. 4. On the night […]
Margaret LaFleur’s Travel By: An Introduction
This is the latest in Margaret LaFleur’s Travel By. To go to the column page, please click here. In the summer after ninth grade I traveled to Europe alone. Of course I mean that I flew alone. Although I successfully navigated a layover at the Amsterdam airport by myself, I was met at my final […]
“The Symmetric Property of Congruence” by Robert Edward Sullivan
Ignore the patches on her frayed jacket. Ignore the bands that you, her, and maybe about a hundred other people have ever heard of. Ignore that top-ten smile. Ignore the sparkling brown eyes—brown does not sparkle. Ignore her playing with her hair, twirling it, biting her lip, in rhythm with her tapping foot, to what […]