Jasper Fforde is the best-selling fantasy author whose books continue to sell, confounding industry analysts. A mixture of Humour, SF, Fantasy, Literature and Crime, his books defy easy pigeonholing. Details of these books and a lot more besides is available from his website, www.jasperfforde.com. His current book is titled The Last Dragonslayer and is intended for […]
“Rug” by Susan Tepper
Yesterday you ask him to mail a simple postcard and he drops it in a puddle. When he brings it back to you it’s soggy like an old cracker dipped in salt water. Always this way with him. He doesn’t want to act responsibly. He doesn’t want to be your man. If you had one ounce […]
“The Chair” by Michelle Elvy
“It’s time to move the chair,” said Grandma, matter-of-factly. I knew what she meant: time to put the old green easy-chair on the curb, the one with the saggy seat and fraying arms, the one which smelled of oil and sweat and Old Spice and also old age and even faintly of forbidden cigarette smoke. […]
Talking with Furniture: Blake Butler
Blake Butler is from Atlanta. *** UF Review: You’re often categorized as an experimental author. Do you agree? How would you describe your writing? Butler: I don’t think of myself as experimental or as a writer. I think of myself as gone and as a person who likes to press buttons and has nothing […]
Five poems by Mel Bosworth
Shifting Constellations fine sand where the pool once sloshed now swallows the heels of plastic legs as we watch campfire television laughing applause —toppled bodies— toes point to delphinus i orbit into your shoulder where i’m not meant to be anymore *** Chore I scream down the well, and at small things. My sister wears […]
“Robbing the Cradle” by Alana Noël Voth
Tonight you brought up masturbation in reference to a Chuck Palahniuk book but then failed to describe what you did last night, or this morning, whenever it was. I slammed a beer. Full flavor. Nothing mild about your cigarettes either. You said no one minded if we lit up, but then we held our cigarettes […]
Talking with Furniture: Paul Lisicky
Paul Lisicky is the author of Lawnboy, Famous Builder, and the forthcoming books The Burning House (a novel, 2011) and Unbuilt Projects (short prose pieces, 2012). His work has appeared in Ploughshares, The Iowa Review, Five Points, StoryQuarterly, Gulf Coast, Seattle Review, Black Warrior Review, and has been widely anthologized. A graduate of the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, he is the recipient […]
“Fictioneer” by Paul Lisicky
In the Not-Writing, he had a notion: he needed to protect time in order to make life. But the Life-Made always wanted to stop before he did. The knife above the cutting board, and wouldn’t it rather be suspended, mid-gesture, before the pepper beneath it was split? At least that’s what the story thought. It […]
“A Small Black Hole” by Stephen Hastings-King
Then the anxiety which had been floating around definitively lands on his mouth. It becomes a small black hole. He feels himself being pulled in. He reaches the back like hitting a padded wall. He bounces off and lands in a pile of letters. As he thinks: “This is a pile of letters,” the letters […]
“Found Art” by Gary Percesepe
After he died I found a photograph with no caption or credit. A composition of bathing girls. Giant boulders for a sheltering solid wall, still water rippling as with light on oil, the old white hull of a sailboat bisecting the photograph from left to right. And sprawling on the deck of the weathered hull, […]